Sunday, 21 June 2015

The worst thing about having books and being organised!!

So I am going to have a rant about having books, and trying to be organized with my posts!

The worst part about having books, is the fact I have over 50 and they just happen to be 60 miles away, and while that does not sound too bad, they are crazy f***ing heavy! And I don't happen to drive at all, so does one of you amazing readers want to come and give me a lift? Because getting all of my books would be amazing and would mean I would not have to stop and start with my posts on here which leads on the what I would love to moan about next - trying to be organized with my posts and publish them according to their order in a series, without any interruptions from other books, means that unless I have the specific book needed and have re-read it then there will not be a post getting published any god damn time soon! Meaning that while I may have another 50 books, either in Kindle or paper back form makes no difference because I cannot do I review on them until I have finished reviewing the current series I am on! 

Don't get me wrong, I prefer a paper back to a Kindle (although I have a lot of love for my kindle!) its just holding the actual crispy pieces of paper in your hands and smelling the smell that only a book can hold is more satisfying. But trying to lug as many paperbacks 60 miles just happens to be a pain in the ass! 

Another thing I struggle with is once I have started a series in paper back form and then have to get the rest in paperback, which unfortunately happens to just be slightly more expensive. And if I love a series then I will but in it paper back form anyway!

Rant over.
Peace out guys :) 
Leave a comment and I'll be sure to et back to you :)  

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